Lift and Lead Conference
Equipping and elevating Latino and Black male educators
April 6, 2024
8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Thank you to all who attended the 2nd annual Lift and Lead Conference! We greatly appreciate all of you attending and we hope to see you again in 2025!
The 1,000 Lift and Lead Conference is designed to elevate and equip educators with the tools necessary to strengthen the educational pipeline from instructional best practices to career mobility. This convening is in response to the voices that have expressed a need for community, support, and opportunities to demonstrate leadership and expertise in the field of education. Thanks to our generous sponsors, there is no cost for educators to attend.
In addition to networking with your peers and learning from great speakers, Duval County educators will receive a journal, professional development credit, and the opportunity to receive classroom grants.
The 1,000 Lift and Lead Conference, open to all educators, is designed to empower Black and Latino male educators by offering essential tools to enhance the educational continuum, from teaching methodologies to career advancement. This event acknowledges the need for a supportive community and opportunities to showcase leadership and expertise in education. It represents a collective effort to redefine the future of educational excellence within these communities, emphasizing the importance of mutual support and encouragement to overcome challenges.
Featured Speakers
Dr. Shaun Woodly
Charged with an unstoppable passion for education, Dr. Shaun Woodly, a Hampton University alum, has left indelible marks on every rung of the academic ladder. From a dedicated K-12 teacher to an inspiring university professor, his impactful journey is fueled by a commitment to transform education. Celebrated as Teacher of the Year and the recipient of several awards for his exceptional teaching, Dr. Woodly’s accolades are a testament to his remarkable influence. Pioneering new paths to the highest levels of achievement in urban and culturally diverse schools, Dr. Woodly is the visionary architect of the transformative movement, “Teach Hustle Inspire”. He is also the 2X bestselling author of “MC Means Move the Class: How to Spark Engagement and Motivation in Urban and Culturally Diverse Classrooms,” as well as “The League of Extraordinary Educators: The Secret Strategies of Transformational Teachers.” Dr. Woodly strives to redefine the teaching and learning experience in urban and culturally diverse schools so that the extraordinary gift of education unlocks the potential of every student, in every classroom, regardless of circumstances.
Featured Speaker
Brandon White
Brandon White is an educator, emcee, and poet. He is a former middle school ELA and Restorative Practices educator for the Rochester City School District, and has worked for seven years as a servant leader intern and site coordinator for Freedom Schools Summer Literacy Programs in Rochester, NY. For seven years he worked as an ELA Specialist for UnboundEd, and currently he serves as a consultant and professional development provider for systems and educators who are implementing ELA and Literacy Curriculum. He also hosts two podcasts through UnboundEd, one about the contributions and challenges educators of color have faced called The Complexion of Teaching and Learning, and another featuring authors of powerful books about education called The LP: Literature in Practice.
Thank you to our Sponsors